Do You Know Adam D Smith?

It's an interesting story.... coming really soon. You won't want to miss it.

Adam d Smith

The Adam D Smith story is interesting.

The cars, the guns, the women, the new "party-house" and that "plastic/fantastic-"Kardashian-lifestyle". You see his social media/brag pages....
Have you ever wondered.... How can he afford all that?
[after filing for 3 bankruptcys in 10 years?!!?]

Adam D Smith

It's a juicy story that you'll want to know, if you [or anyone you know] has loaned/"invested" money with him, in the last 10-12 years.

We'll be adding the publicly available details here. The Adam D Smith story makes for compelling reading, especially if you are in TampaBay and have seen him in action, or watched the social media he posts. A bigger, better web site is coming, with all the details, IF HE has borrowed money from you, [or any friend you've introduced to Adam], WE HAVE INFO YOU NEED TO KNOW.

Adam D Smith

Tell your friends, tell you neighbors

A class action lawsuit is being compiled. If you [or anyone in YOUR 2nd/3rd degree social circle that you introduced to Adam] have invested money(s) [with or without "documentation"], WE WANT TO HEAR YOUR STORY We may be able to recover funds, plus damages for fraud. You may be able to remain anonymous, until case settlement.

Adam d Smith

Would YOU like your Money back?

Yes, We want you to add your "experience" to the class action case. He has a "pattern", and if you were e-mailed a note, with this link, you probably fit the profile. [These are NOT insignificant sums of money, $100 thousand dollars in a few cases, smaller amount is others.] We want to hear from you, even if Adam D Smith doesn't.
e-mail us [ ]

waiting on Adam d Smith

HEY !! Adam D Smith - Where's my money?

Are you still waiting for Adam D Smith to pay back that loan?
You are not alone, and the "I filed bankruptcy, sorry-man" excuse is [probably] a line of BS too. [Did you check the bankruptcy filing to make SURE you were listed? WE DID, and you aren't !! ] Yes, REALLY !! All the debt was NOT discharged and he's done 3 bankruptcy filings in 10-ish years?!!?]
Several of the people who should join the class action lawsuit we're NOT included.[even if he told you differently] That's bankruptcy fraud.... and FRAUD negates the filing. This web page helps US find you and lets you know your options to join the "class" in this case.

Adam D Smith

Christmas 2021 is coming !!! Would you like Santa-Adam to give you that cash-back?

These are not insignificant amounts of money. Some are over $100 thousand dollars. [yes, really] Others are smaller amounts. EVERY Promise to repay is important, even after he started ignoring you. This "CLASS ACTION" Civil Fraud suit, allows for 3x damages. We are asking you to join us, so we can prove a repetitive pattern.
Contact atty Kevin Comer @ PH# 727 729 2719,
or e-mail [ ].
It is possible to remain anonomous when asking questions and considering your options.

Join US

We want to hear YOUR story(s).
Send your info to